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Frequently asked questions (EN)

You can request us to give you access to your online credit summary . This is an up-to-date summary of the data we have in our records concerning you. Access to your registration is free of charge.

If you are requesting access for the first time, we will ask you to provide your identification in order to ensure you get the data safely. For this purpose, we use the iDIN identification method. This is a service provided by banks that lets you identify yourself at other organisations using your bank's secure and trusted login tools.

Would you prefer regular post?
If your bank is not on the list or if you prefer receiving your registration details by post, please use this application form. Complete the form online, print it and send it to us with a copy of your identity card. We do not need your citizen service number or photo, so please cover those. Our address is mentioned on the form. We will send you the credit summary by post.

Your registration will be kept in our records for as long as your credit runs. Once you have fully repaid the credit and the credit provider reports that your credit has been terminated, your data will be kept in our records for another 5 years. If anything happened during the term of your credit, for example you were in arrears on payments for a while, this will be kept in our records for 5 years as well.

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